
Happy Valentine's Day

Yes, today is the day to tell that special someone just how special they are to you. I did so by taking Greg for lunch at the Aquarium. It was definitely a power lunch if I've ever been to one. Parking the car at CNN, trucking a good couple of blocks to the Aquarium and wading through miles of people who have no idea how to enter a line or pick out a soft drink is just the start of it.
We sat down to a lunch of veggie burgers, fries and oversized cupcakes. Not bad for twenty bucks. Right.
We had ten minutes to spare before it was time to head back to work, so Greg decided we were heading to the Tropical Reef exhibit for a quick looksie. It isn't the biggest exhibit there, but Greg loves it. I think he aspires to own one of similar size one day. It's simply amazing and this picture doesn't do it justice. The tank spans an entire wall and curves above your head where every few minutes a wave breaks. We stood there for just a few minutes, but it was worth the trip downtown.


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