
Birthday + Sunshine = A Happier Gwen

I'm happy to report that like a six-year old you can simply tell me it's my birthday and let me play in the sunshine and I automatically feel better. Greg and I headed up to the North Georgia mountains to soak up some views and vino.
I have to give major props to The Beechwood Inn and Tiger Mountain Vineyards for their wonderful southern hospitality and rustic charm.
Click on the title to get a picture report of Saturday.


I can't shake it. I've been a grump.


Winds of Change

I have to admit that in the past few days I've gotten a bit caught up in the Super Tuesday drama. Don't worry. I'm not about to climb up on a soapbox and begin a political tirade. I just want to share with you my excitement concerning the general election process. As I drove home from work last night, I saw a family at an intersection holding up a campaign sign. They were smiling and waving and having a wonderful time. It made me smile and even brought a few tears to my eyes.
I remember going to the polls with my mom years ago when there were still curtains involved. Voting was so grown up and there was such a mystic to it. I think that's why I hold voting to still be such a privilege despite many people's cries that they feel as though their votes don't count.
You can only image the excitement going on in my place of work today. One of my coworkers took Wednesday off so he could stay up late tonight and watch the returns. See? And you thought I was a nerd for welling up at the sight of a campaigning family.
Go on and get out there!

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