
Outta Control

I just have to share. I took Pinochle to get microchipped this weekend. As we rode along the highway, she barrel rolled and howled in her little cat bag. It was pathetic. She was acting like a two-year old: laying on her back howling while looking straight at me. Then, she proceeded to mash her face into the side of the bag. I mean-seriously- it was the most entertaining car ride I've had in a while. Does this make me a bad kittty mom? I sure hope not. Don't you worry. Pinochle is just fine even if she would like you all to think otherwise.


Anonymous said...

she looks like a opossum in this picture. How long are they doing the special on microchips?

gwen said...

From PAWS:
The $10 microchip special ends on Thursday, January 31.

No appointment needed, except for Monday and Wednesday, we're super busy with surgeries on those days. Please come before 4:00pm.

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