

After months of inactivity, Greg and I kicked into gear this weekend.
On Saturday, we hit the Silver Comet Trail and biked 9.4 miles. I think this bike trail is one of the MAJOR perks of moving OTP (Outside The Perimeter). It's just lovely. It's also a pretty flat trail since it used to be a railroad line which is perfect for ole' Seven. Seven is my remake of a 1950's Schwinn cruiser. I must admit, I purchased it with style in mind; not functionality.
What could be a better way to end a day like that? I'll tell you. A Death by Chocolate party. I won't even try to describe the vast amounts of chocolate served by our three lovely hostesses. Greg and I had our fill of chocolate delights and even indulged in a "to go" bag full of goodies.
Okay. I know you're thinking,"Gwen, you've completely nullified your afternoon workout with that party". And you're right. I did. Please proceed on. I already have.
Sunday we investigated a local gym to see if we may want to become members. I took a yoga class that made me sweat like I've never sweated before and it wasn't even one of those "hot yoga" classes. Plus, I was sore for 2 days afterwards. Greg calls this complaining, but I'm proud of my muscle aches. Bring it on!!
I apologize to you loyal blog-checkers. I've had a tight schedule this week and can't seem to get my act together to publish a blog. You're also getting a recycled picture: yoga from Big Sur last spring. It makes me happy to look at it.


The Great Outdoors

I never thought moving 12 miles outside the heart of Atlanta would land both Greg and myself right smack in the middle of the wilderness. A few examples:
At midnight the other night (Friday the 13th to be exact), Greg and I were violently torn from our slumbers to find our home surrounded by a pack of wild dogs. Or at least, that's what it sounded like. I didn't know what the hell was going on, but we were scared to even crawl out of the safety of our bed to investigate the matter. Greg said the following morning that he envisioned Cujo crashing through our back door. This mystery still remains unsolved.
Two deer were spotted from our kitchen window. They appeared to be as shocked to see us as we were them. A complete snake skin was found in our laundry room. Probably a garter snake, but GROSS! Rabbits. Lots of big, brown rabbits.
Shortly after we moved in, we were informed that coyote wander our area and it may be a good idea to keep our cats in the house. Of course, a subdivision is slated to be built this spring in the woods out back.

Such a shame.


Farewell my sweet Ella

The era of Gwennie Pigs is over.
My striped pig peacefully passed on last night as Greg and I stayed by her side. She didn't appear to suffer at all which was a huge relief since this all happened so suddenly. She showed no signs of being a sick piggie. She was eating and moving normally up until we came home from work.
She will be missed by all in the family. Zoe, Pinochle and Danka loved their little furry friend as much as we did. She was a quiet pig unless you stood in the way of her dinner.
Wheet, wheet.


My Obsession with Books

I can't tell you exactly when all this happened. I've always been a reader and will always be one.
At some point after I graduated college, however, I managed to turn my love of reading into an obession.
I get antsy when I'm reading a book and don't have another one "in the wings" as I like to call it. I devour books with an alarming frequency. And I just won't read any book. I'm a book snob.
I recently finished Middlesex by Jefferey Eugenides. Good stuff. Who knew I would like a book about incest, Greece, hermaphrodites and Detroit? Now, I'm getting into A Confederacy of Dunces. To those of you bookies out there: let me know the books that really got you going.


Sick Day

Today is the first real sick day I've taken in the nearly four years I've worked as a grown up. I've decided that the first two days I've taken don't count. Once my car was sick and another time I had the cocktail flu. I have to admit I miss the days of yore when my mom would serve me tea and toast in bed. I would watch The Sound Of Music, Summer Magic and Somewhere Tomorrow from the comfort of our family room couch. Now, I lay in bed with only Nurse 'Nchle and Doctor Danka to listen to me sigh heavily. I don't take well to sickness. I love to complain to any available ear about my latest affliction. To those of you listening out there: my sinuses feel as though they're on fire and I can't breathe. My throat hurts, too.


Am I really going to do this?

Yep. I guess I am.
After checking out the blogs of several of my friends, I'm finally sticking my toe in the ocean of blogs to see if this stuff is really for me. We'll see.
At this point, I've realized how much I miss the everyday nothings that I used to share with friends and family who are now miles away. Those family and friends could very well care less about the silly little things that make up my life, but I'm gonna put it out there for them.
So here you go, folks....

blog template by suckmylolly.com : background image by Patrick Hennessey