
Sick Day

Today is the first real sick day I've taken in the nearly four years I've worked as a grown up. I've decided that the first two days I've taken don't count. Once my car was sick and another time I had the cocktail flu. I have to admit I miss the days of yore when my mom would serve me tea and toast in bed. I would watch The Sound Of Music, Summer Magic and Somewhere Tomorrow from the comfort of our family room couch. Now, I lay in bed with only Nurse 'Nchle and Doctor Danka to listen to me sigh heavily. I don't take well to sickness. I love to complain to any available ear about my latest affliction. To those of you listening out there: my sinuses feel as though they're on fire and I can't breathe. My throat hurts, too.


Anonymous said...

Zicam baby!! It really works. The moment you feel that weird feeling in your throat or you know you don't feel right but can't put your finger on what is wrong...Zicam! I use the swaps 'cause I can't stand any spray up my nose.

gwen said...

Yeah, I tried Zicam and Airborne to no avail.
I'm thinking it could have been a bad allergy attack. The weather had been so funky that week: 70 degrees one day and 40 the next.

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