
My Obsession with Books

I can't tell you exactly when all this happened. I've always been a reader and will always be one.
At some point after I graduated college, however, I managed to turn my love of reading into an obession.
I get antsy when I'm reading a book and don't have another one "in the wings" as I like to call it. I devour books with an alarming frequency. And I just won't read any book. I'm a book snob.
I recently finished Middlesex by Jefferey Eugenides. Good stuff. Who knew I would like a book about incest, Greece, hermaphrodites and Detroit? Now, I'm getting into A Confederacy of Dunces. To those of you bookies out there: let me know the books that really got you going.


gwen said...

Finished Confederacy of Dunes.
It was okay.
Moving on.....

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