
A weekend of eating

Goodness there was a lot of eating going on! It all started with a potluck lunch at work. I always leave with a stomach ache from overindulging. We headed straight to the Braves game which included beer, boiled peanuts and a pretzel.

Saturday morning began with a trip to a local farmer's market. This jump started week one of supporting local farms. I picked up some organic yellow grits, another herb for the garden-Sorrel and a bunch of carrots. You can see my bag overflowing with carrot greens! Then, off to Ashlea and Jeff's low country boil. Yum! Good times with old friends.
On Sunday, I must have OD-ed on food because I totally flaked on a brunch date with Danielle and another gal. I never do that. Seriously. I worked off my guilt in the yard. I don't know if it makes up for my bad behavior, but I plan on making a grit casserole with my local grits for her Mother's Day brunch this weekend.


Maigh said...

The question no one is asking but everyone wants to know: where'd ya get that cute bag??

gwen said...

My Aunt Celie made it for me....intended to hold wedding planning information, but it also makes a great market tote!

Maigh said...

Your Aunt Celie has mad skillz.

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