
Tomatoes, tattoos and so forth

When I was seventeen I argued constantly with my father about rules and life decisions, but mainly about my curfew and where I would go to college. As I neared my 18th birthday, I remember writing a list of things I could legally do after turning eighteen and posted them on the fridge. This sparked yet another debate since one of those things was getting a tattoo. My dad told me I was more than welcome to get any tattoo I wanted as long as I got "D A D" tattooed down the bridge of my nose first.

My 18th birthday came and went as did my desire to get a tattoo. I just couldn't seem to find the perfect spot or the perfect image. Until now.

A dear friend, Maigh, has the perfect spot and I'm stealing it. She approved of my copycatting in February when this urge to tattoo myself resurfaced. I told her I knew I wanted something to do with gardening and my love of flora. I let this idea ruminate for a few weeks before it finally hit me when Greg and I were vacationing in Key West (click for trip pictures). A few years ago, I stumbled upon a gardening blog with a tomato vine tattoo and fell in love.

Before I get a phone call from Turk and Doris, I don't want the whole sleeve. I just want a small portion (tomato, blossom and a few leaves) on my wrist that can easily be covered with long sleeves or a cuff bracelet (thanks again, Maigh!). My husband says I have to wait a year before I can get it and if it still stirs me....go for it. Check back in February 2012 for an update.


Anonymous said...

YEAY YOU! Can't wait to see what happens in Feb 2012, and maybe even go along with you for your inking.

Danielle said...

I'm with Greg, wait a year... or two, or ten. Wink Wink.

Danielle said...

So, really? 5.5 years of blogging and you're giving it up? Or taking a hiatus?

blog template by suckmylolly.com : background image by Patrick Hennessey