

After months of inactivity, Greg and I kicked into gear this weekend.
On Saturday, we hit the Silver Comet Trail and biked 9.4 miles. I think this bike trail is one of the MAJOR perks of moving OTP (Outside The Perimeter). It's just lovely. It's also a pretty flat trail since it used to be a railroad line which is perfect for ole' Seven. Seven is my remake of a 1950's Schwinn cruiser. I must admit, I purchased it with style in mind; not functionality.
What could be a better way to end a day like that? I'll tell you. A Death by Chocolate party. I won't even try to describe the vast amounts of chocolate served by our three lovely hostesses. Greg and I had our fill of chocolate delights and even indulged in a "to go" bag full of goodies.
Okay. I know you're thinking,"Gwen, you've completely nullified your afternoon workout with that party". And you're right. I did. Please proceed on. I already have.
Sunday we investigated a local gym to see if we may want to become members. I took a yoga class that made me sweat like I've never sweated before and it wasn't even one of those "hot yoga" classes. Plus, I was sore for 2 days afterwards. Greg calls this complaining, but I'm proud of my muscle aches. Bring it on!!
I apologize to you loyal blog-checkers. I've had a tight schedule this week and can't seem to get my act together to publish a blog. You're also getting a recycled picture: yoga from Big Sur last spring. It makes me happy to look at it.


Anonymous said...

Gwen, haven't you realized by now that you simply must have chocolate! It's one antioxidant that I insist on having daily!
Auntie K

Anonymous said...

CHOCOLATE !!!! We must have one of those parties next time you visit.
You can be the hostess. I'll be the tester.
Gram F

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