
Farewell my sweet Ella

The era of Gwennie Pigs is over.
My striped pig peacefully passed on last night as Greg and I stayed by her side. She didn't appear to suffer at all which was a huge relief since this all happened so suddenly. She showed no signs of being a sick piggie. She was eating and moving normally up until we came home from work.
She will be missed by all in the family. Zoe, Pinochle and Danka loved their little furry friend as much as we did. She was a quiet pig unless you stood in the way of her dinner.
Wheet, wheet.


Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Ella.
I just got a GPig cage from my neighbor. They were throwing it away and I thought it was a big dishpan that Al could use to mix cement etc. so I took it. I naturally thought of you so I'm really sorry about your loss. Will you be getting a new one(or two, like Mary)? Did this happen after we had talked? Take care, am enjoying your blog even though I don't really understand what blogging is.
Gram F

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry to hear about Ella. I know all too well the pain of losing something you cared for & loved and now is gone. It really sucks!!

gwen said...

Thanks for the comments on Ella.
No more guinea pigs for this gal.
They're such delicate creatures (expensive to treat at the vet) and their life span is too short for the amount of love I have to give them.

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