
I've been tagged

Yep. I've been a blogger for well over a year now and managed to escape the dern memes. Jennifer got me. It's okay. She's the co-creator of the My Boyfriend's Back choreography so I forgive her.

Here are my 7 random facts:

# 1. I love singing along to show theme songs. You should hear me during the opening credits of The Office and Scrubs.

# 2. I think I would make a mighty fine river otter.

# 3. In 3rd grade, our class watched Old Yeller and I had to leave the room because I was crying so hard when it came time to shoot poor old Yeller. I also never finished Where the Red Fern Grows because I heard they shoot the dogs at the end of the book. Let's just say, I'm not a big fan of shooting dogs.

# 4. I haven't eaten meat (seafood on occasion) in 11 years but if I did breakdown it would be an Arby's roast beef sandwich smothered in Arby's sauce.

# 5. I can't sound words out in English. I've memorized every word I know and it drives my mother crazy. I can, however, sound out words in Spanish. Comprende?

# 6. I knew a girl who kept a booger collection in empty jewelry boxes.

# 7. I love living in the 'burbs.
Oh yeah...I'm gonna tag some of you fellow bloggers out there!


Rose Tahash said...

gwen loves the llamas or whatever that is... :) i love your outfit. such a cutie.

gwen said...

Do you blog? I know you had a wedding one for a while. Send me the link and you can post your 7 random facts.....

Jennifer Beaver said...

Don't forget Four Wealthy Sisters! I figured I had to share the wealth. I've been blogging for not even two months and I was hit!

gwen said...

I know! I was just telling Greg about all of our plays and talent shows...

Rose Tahash said...


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