
Bag 'o plenty

I've been frequenting the local Farmer's market on Saturday mornings for the past few weeks. I must say, I enjoy the drive into town for a stroll through the booths filling my tote with goodies.

This week was the kick off week for the CSA I joined. I left work a few minutes early to make sure that I didn't miss the pick up window. I was so pleased to get a teaser email detailing this week's bounty: lettuce, new potatoes, cabbage, parsley, Hakurei turnips, strawberries and spring onions. I rushed home and immediately popped a strawberry in my mouth and starting making plans for upcoming feasts. I'm thinking the new potatoes will be a part of Heckman's Famous Potato Salad recipe tonight. Then, maybe some coleslaw for Memorial Day? But what about those Hakurei turnips??? The CSA manager recommended serving them raw with a slice of brie. I'm down. Brie + anything = yummy goodness. I plan on doing a little more research on those turnips since I have half a paper lunch bag full of them! Please post suggestions if you have any.


A Happy Mother's Day to all....

Saturday morning Greg and I stumbled out of bed at the ripe hour of five forty-five to greet the race particiapants with a t-shirt after the Susan Koman walk/run. Greg's mom passed away from breast cancer 10 years ago this month. Our morning was filled with smiling faces all in line to receive an XL t-shirt from the two of us armed with black permanent markers. As with every breast cancer event we participate in, I'm reminded of the love, grief and hope that connects us all.

My own mother received a personalized e-card from me today similar to the one you see pictured here. I took several around the house and yard only to finally chose one in my front flower bed. I attribute my green thumb to my mother and her side of the family.
I don't think I've ever posted a picture of my two "children". Pinochle is on the left looking off into the distance and Danka is on the right striking her best show cat pose. I took the picture with a tripod off our entrance steps which is my explanation of why the top if my head is missing from the photo.


A weekend of eating

Goodness there was a lot of eating going on! It all started with a potluck lunch at work. I always leave with a stomach ache from overindulging. We headed straight to the Braves game which included beer, boiled peanuts and a pretzel.

Saturday morning began with a trip to a local farmer's market. This jump started week one of supporting local farms. I picked up some organic yellow grits, another herb for the garden-Sorrel and a bunch of carrots. You can see my bag overflowing with carrot greens! Then, off to Ashlea and Jeff's low country boil. Yum! Good times with old friends.
On Sunday, I must have OD-ed on food because I totally flaked on a brunch date with Danielle and another gal. I never do that. Seriously. I worked off my guilt in the yard. I don't know if it makes up for my bad behavior, but I plan on making a grit casserole with my local grits for her Mother's Day brunch this weekend.


I've been tagged

Yep. I've been a blogger for well over a year now and managed to escape the dern memes. Jennifer got me. It's okay. She's the co-creator of the My Boyfriend's Back choreography so I forgive her.

Here are my 7 random facts:

# 1. I love singing along to show theme songs. You should hear me during the opening credits of The Office and Scrubs.

# 2. I think I would make a mighty fine river otter.

# 3. In 3rd grade, our class watched Old Yeller and I had to leave the room because I was crying so hard when it came time to shoot poor old Yeller. I also never finished Where the Red Fern Grows because I heard they shoot the dogs at the end of the book. Let's just say, I'm not a big fan of shooting dogs.

# 4. I haven't eaten meat (seafood on occasion) in 11 years but if I did breakdown it would be an Arby's roast beef sandwich smothered in Arby's sauce.

# 5. I can't sound words out in English. I've memorized every word I know and it drives my mother crazy. I can, however, sound out words in Spanish. Comprende?

# 6. I knew a girl who kept a booger collection in empty jewelry boxes.

# 7. I love living in the 'burbs.
Oh yeah...I'm gonna tag some of you fellow bloggers out there!

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