
My favorite recent purchase

Just in time for berry season!!


Year Two of the Garden

I have a solid year under my belt now in terms of vegetable gardening and things are looking much better this spring. I have a few items still in the ground from the winter: two broccoli plants, one brussel sprout and a few rows of Red Russian garlic. The winter was so cold here, I had to rip out a good bit of the cold weather crops like the cabbage since they bolted as soon as it warmed up.

The spring crops went in:
  • Sweet Georgia onions

  • Yellow neck squash

  • Italian black eggplant

  • Black Tula tomatoes

  • Sungold cherry tomatoes (a fav hybrid from the local farm stand)

  • Yellow golden peppers

  • Tam jalapeno peppers (the jerks that killed my eyeball last fall)

  • Russet potatoes (started from sprouted pantry taters)

  • Suko cucumbers

  • Strawberries (rescued from the Oakhurst Community Garden compost pile)

  • Soybeans and Blue Lake bush beans

  • Herb pot and window boxes: lots and lots of basil, sage, sorrel, mint and an attempt at fennel

So, I ran out of room at my place and headed over to Danielle's while she was out of town to install Gwen's Annex Garden. She got a bit of the leftovers from above plus a ton of sunflowers for the girls and the birdies to enjoy.

Enjoy a few pictures. You'll see just how much Tamale loved having Winslow over while I gardened.

blog template by suckmylolly.com : background image by Patrick Hennessey