I'm happy to report that the Christmas spirit has finally found its way back to me this year. This morning began with what I would like to call the soundtrack to my childhood Christmases. My trusty Saturn's radio tuned into the Ray Coniff Singer's The Little Drummer Boy medley which always reminds me of my Dad singing along as he sneaks ornaments on all of the light fixtures in the house.
Greg indulged me in another childhood tradition when we ventured off two weeks ago to pick out our best Christmas tree yet at a local tree farm. Oh, and please don't think Greg is trying to strangle poor Winslow in the picture. We just have a photo averse dog.
This weekend, we enjoyed a visit from my parents as well as our Tennessee family. We celebrated Addie's 4th birthday at the American Girl Bistro on Saturday evening. A few of the highlights from the night: meeting Shad for the first time, finding my very own Gwen doll at the store and catching up with the cousins. Enjoy a few snapshots.
I'm looking forward to all the upcoming holiday events we have planned specifically our Festivus For The Rest of Us brunch.