
Family Fun

GrandPop turned 80 on Saturday, so myself and many, many family members crawled out of the woodwork to celebrate with him. Ahhhhhhh, togetherness!!

On Friday night, we all crammed into the main cabin for our traditional family slide show. The show dated back to 1963 when the family began vacationing in the Poconos at nearby lakes. We were all sitting in the dark laughing hysterically at our shared past. Isn't this what it's all about? My Uncle Nino turned and whispered to my Aunt Karen,"I haven't laughed this hard in 100 years". I'm smiling just thinking about it.

A huge shout out to my Aunt Mary who planned the entire weekend and even included those non-invited stragglers like myself.


Hell Hath Frozen Over

Greg and I have been together for over 13 years and never once have we done a costume as a couple. This really crushes my soul because Halloween remains my favorite holiday even as an adult. I think even more so as an adult. There are usually no family obligations. It's a chance to be creative and eat lots of chocolate. It also occurs during my favorite time of year. Bonus point.

Back to the Halloween costume rant, GREG HAS AGREED TO DO A COUPLES COSTUME!!!! I'm so excited. Now, you all need to invite us to your Halloween parties and we'll be all set.


Life's a Beach

Well, at least last weekend that held true. The boys and I headed to the Georgia coast to celebrate year two of wedlock.

This week, not so much. To be completely honest, I'm pissed off at all the rain we've had here. It's stolen my Fall and flooded friends' farms. Guess what? It's supposed to rain all weekend again.

blog template by suckmylolly.com : background image by Patrick Hennessey