Maigh was kind enough to plan a long weekend away from wedding stress, work and pretty much everything. I spent three days with three ladies as we got to know each other and perhaps ourselves a little better.
The hostel welcomed us with a bumpy ride in from the main road as we blared The Pixies. We were quickly introduced to a world of soft sandy paths, screened in bunkhouses, sawdust toilets, outdoor Angel showers, chickens in trees and drinking from jars. I loved it.
We spent our time exploring St. Simons Island, Jekyll Island and the grounds of the hostel. We laughed at how our organic wine tasted like "The Dome" and sang along to Indigo Girls songs around the campfire. We made friends with our hippie hosts and spent starlit evenings swimming happily in the lake.
I'm having a hard time retaining the peacefulness I experienced this weekend.
Enjoy some of the snapshots from the weekend: Mine , Kelly's and Maigh's (she was our little shutterbug).